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Leeds Beckett University – September 2020 Intake

The Leeds Beckett University has considered latest advice from Public Health England, Government and other sector expertise in the development of plans for the new academic year. The University will keep the principles under constant review and adapt them in line with national guidelines. 

Term dates

The University has confirmed that the academic year 20/21 will start on the dates that have already published (you can find the standard academic calendar here).

If students are arriving from overseas and are expected to self-isolate for a 14-day period, the University can support them in university accommodation for this period and ensure they are still able to take part in induction.

1. Course delivery will typically be in three 10-week blocks. 
2. The course delivery will be a mix of face-to-face on-campus and remote teaching and learning. 
3. The University remain determined that as many students as possible will access on-campus contact with tutors in each term.
4. Wherever possible they are planning to create ‘study bubbles’ – these are groups who consistently study together. 
5. Some of courses include elements which must meet the requirements of professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRB).
6. Please follow the links below to be taken to each School-specific site, which outlines the teaching structure for each course.

Please note: This content is preliminary, and more details about course delivery will be provided over the coming weeks.

Learning and wellbeing support

General learning spaces, including access to libraries, will be available to be booked online; and where specialist space is needed, this will either be provided: as normal; in newly adapted spaces; or as part of an enhanced suite of online resources.


The accommodation team is still taking bookings for the new academic year. Please visit the website for the latest information.

For the latest information for Leeds Beckett applicants regarding Covid-19, please click here
